Course curriculum
You better be hungry!
Embarking on a journey you know nothing about
Plan before you start
The price you pay when you're not planning
Make sure you know what you're paying for
Perseverance and advice from others
Ready? Let's begin!
Website / hosting / providers
Online payment solutions
Online booking systems
Connecting the dots
Your analytics matter
Algorithms or why you might be doing it all wrong
The LinkedIn algorithm vs the Instagram algorithm
What nobody tells you about LinkedIn / Instagram / Facebook / Eventbrite / Meetup / Your Website
Google indexing, Google ranking & SEO
Got likes? : Your content strategy
But are you selling?
Choose transparency, choose to be different. Why would you be like all of them anyway?
Talks, fireside chats, promotions, live sessions, webinars & workshops
Give before you ask!
We rise by lifting others
You only failed if you learnt nothing from it